
PACE High School is officially an Educational Option (Ed. Opt.) program. We encourage all students to apply, including students with Individual Education Plans. We want all students to have access to our school and  programs.  

Ed opt programs admit students across all academic levels, with the goal of promoting academic diversity at the  school. Students are grouped into three, equal-sized categories – low, middle, and high – based on their final  seventh-grade course grades. Applicants in each category will be prioritized for one-third of seats at each  school. 

Students are placed into an ed opt category using an average of their final core course seventh-grade core course  grades: 

  • Low category: This category includes students with a course grade average below 77.5 One third of  students are in this group, and they will be prioritized for one third of seats. 
  • Middle category: This category includes students with a course grade average from 77.5 to 88.33. One  third of students are in this group, and they will be prioritized for one third of seats. 
  • High category: This category includes students with a course grade average higher than 88.33. One  third of students are in this group, and they will be prioritized for one third of seats. 

Applicants can see which ed opt category they are in on their MySchools profile. 

If there are more applicants from a category than prioritized seats for that category, applicants will be randomly  selected for seats. The random number for each student’s application will be used for the random selection  process. 

If there are fewer applicants from a category than prioritized seats for that category, applicants from other  categories may fill any available seats. For example, if there are fewer applicants from the middle category than  seats prioritized for students in the middle category, students from the low and high categories will fill all  remaining seats.

PACE High School November & December Info Sessions 

Join us for in-person or Zoom sessions to learn more about PACE and our programs!  In-Person @ 100 Hester St: Thursdays 11/7, 11/14, and 11/21 @ 5PM. Saturdays 11/9 and 11/23 @ 11 AM. 
Zoom Sessions: Wednesdays 11/6, 11/13, 11/20 5 PM 

Saturday 11/2 & 11/15 @ 10 AM 
Last Chance Zoom Sessions: 12/2 & 12/3 @ 5 PM 

Zoom Meeting ID: 862 2345 1566 
Zoom Password: 100100