Q: What time does school start each day? What time does it finish?

A: School starts for students at 8:20 AM and ends at 2:40 PM on Monday through Friday.

[Note: The start times are for students to be seated in the 1st period class. If they are not in their 1st period class by the above time, the teacher will mark them late.]

Q: What time do after school clubs start and finish?

A: School clubs generally begin 5 to 10 minutes after the regular school day ends. Most clubs meet for approximately one hour, although the exact amount varies by club. Most sports meet for longer periods of time on practice days, and students are given practice schedules ahead of time. For further information about individual club meeting dates and times, feel free to contact each club’s advisor.

Q: I have a question about my student’s work. Who should I talk to?

A: Students are given contact information for each of their teachers during the first week of school, which can be used as reference for questions. In addition, each student has an advisor who can answer questions about students’ progress, and the advisor meets with parents at least twice per year. You can also call the PACE Main Office at 212-334-4663 and you will be routed to the proper person who can answer your question.

Q: When are report cards distributed?

A: PACE hands out report cards six times per year. Semester 1 goes from September to mid-January and Semester 2 goes from the end of January to early June. Each Semester has 3 different Marking Periods.

Q: I’d like to be a part of the school, as a parent volunteer. Who should I speak to, and what can I do?

A: Please contact Ms. Ranson in the main office (212-334-4663) and she will assist you with ways to join us. PACE has regular parent activities throughout the year, and a schedule of these events will be distributed as the year progresses.

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